Scientists announced their development of a drug from the stem cells are able - one injection no more - to 50 per cent at least from damage and defects of the heart in the wake of a heart endure ... Without side Oawad. They also said that they will be available to patients within a period not exceeding five years.The property could, taken from the bone marrow of healthy young young, that protects patients who suffered a heart attack from the other cast spells and improve sub too much of their ability to exercise normal activities which they are accustomed. According to the scientists, the 40 per cent at least of heart patients will benefit from the advantages of this way.The property, named Revascor «Ravascor is currently undergoing the final stages of clinical trials, and scientists say that they can be cashed any heart patient. The early stages of testing, the coefficient Center «Mazoblast» Australian who stands behind its development, has made it clear that he is able to repair heart defects that affect about 50 per cent at least. And also the prospect of repeated seizures reduced by about 80 per cent among those who receive the injection.The newspaper quoted the Daily Express British Dr. Jonathan Hill, cardiologist University Hospital «King's College in London, saying:« This scientific breakthrough really exciting because it means so much to heart patients. Those who develop severe heart spend months and Snina after they vacillated between illness and wellness. In most cases, they can not live as they used to for the rest of life. This property will change all of this bodes well for the hundreds of thousands in each of those countries where they will be available. It is noteworthy that the hospital «King's College is a 37 سيجرب centers where the new drug around the world.Scientists say the center «Mazoblast» The stem cell donation allows the creation of one million cells branching called MPC «MBC. These cells are able to re-generating efficiency to the heart muscles and go immediately to the injury center to strengthen fortifications heart against it. Because the basic requirement is that the basic stem cells taken from young people, it means that the new generation extends a helping hand enormous health for older generations that have become susceptible to heart disease at any moment and without warning.And the condition of receiving an injection new drug that the patient had not arrived at the hospital within 12 hours of suffering a heart attack. In this case, will receive between 12.5 million and 25 million cell of drug «Ravascor». Because this contains antibiotics were added to the cells' MBC is no way because rejects natural fortifications body against extraneous things. This can inject any patient without fear of side-effects.
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