A recent study showed that people who drink alcohol chronically and who stop underestimate the risk of developing esophageal cancer by almost half during the four to five years.Researchers analyzed nine previous studies and found that the probability of injuring people who drink alcohol with this type of cancer can be reversed if stop drinking but could take 16 years to restore the risk to natural levels in people who do drink alcohol.Overall the study may not be taken into account other factors adequately as the interaction effect between smoking and drinking alcohol on cancer.Previous studies showed that reduce the risk of cancer among non-smokers may be to reduce the consumption of alcohol to moderate levels, rather than avoid them completely. Another study showed that drinking levels adapter has shown few beneficial health effects on heart disease, cardiovascular, diabetes and other medical conditions.Aside from alcohol, the other factors that may affect the risk of developing esophageal cancer include:- Esophageal cancer is more prevalent among men.- Esophageal cancer occurs significantly for people who are over the age of 45 years.- The risk increases with increasing period of smoking people.- Not to eat fresh fruits and vegetables was associated with a greater likelihood of developing cancer.- Associated with being overweight increase the risk of developing esophageal cancer.
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