U.S. announced a pharmacist discovered a new way to introduce insulin to the body through chewing gum instead of other drugs Kalhakn and grains that are taken by mouth.Said Robert Doyle of the University of Sairokos in New York that has a possible solution to the problem that the body has a specific the protection and absorb molecules value of what is under his damage when it reaches the intestine, adding that chewing gum invented by helping the body absorb insulin properly.He is known to be vitamin B-12 enables protected by a protein in saliva named Haptokorin stick to the mouth and protects the stomach, pointing out that this article - any Haptokorin - when you reach the intestine takes the course of the last
chemical Help vitamin and entered into the bloodstream.Although many patients prefer to use a grain of oral insulin, some studies have reported that insulin can be transformed easily into small pieces by the digestive system, and that the bloodstream is not absorbed easily live enzymes.Doyle said the gum that Amadgtha rats laboratory proved effective, he said, adding that this means that they may produce similar results in humans.Noteworthy that insulin spray had been put in the U.S. market in 2006, but was withdrawn a year later because of lack of effectiveness.
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