Ache in the head, mixed Themes, duration and severity and causes. Often caused by stress of sight, eye diseases, and diseases of the sinuses, constipation, indigestion, fever, fatigue, emotional stress, and stimulant drugs, and neurological diseases. The headache is not a disease in itself, as it is displayed and Nazir that there is an imbalance that needs to be remedied and search for him. May be a headache caused by inorganic because physiological changes (functional) in certain areas of the head, and not because of illness or injury, and exceed it happens 90% of headaches, headaches and migraine tension headaches and cluster headaches, headache hunger and headache depression. The headaches may be organically because of a blow to the head or fever, or tumors or high pressure and eye disorders, sinusitis or otitis media and dental problems, constipation and symptoms premenstrual, and incidence of headaches organic less than 10% of the total cases of headaches.
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