available safe and cheap. Doubled the risk of It is estimated that half of adults and nearly one-third of children and adolescents in America to have a vitamin deficiency "d" active. This shortfall does renin system - Ongiostinsen - aldosterone, which raises blood pressure, and thus prepares patients for high blood pressure and hardening of the heart and blood vessels and increase the thickness. Also alter vitamin "d" hormone levels and immune function, which increases the risk of diabetes, President contributor to heart disease and blood. According to new data the Vramengm Heart Study that patients levels of vitamin "d" under 15 Nanograma mL, nearly twice as vulnerable to a heart attack or stroke within five years, compared to its highest levels. But equal risks when account is limited to traditional factors. So it should restore normal levels of vitamin, to preserve the health of the musculoskeletal system, and improve heart health and prospects. There is a need for large randomized trials and controlled to determine whether supplements of vitamin "d" already cut cases and heart disease mortality in the future. Sources of vitamin "d" The researchers found that a lack of vitamin "d" is more widespread than thought, which justifies attention Addressing this. Although most of the requirements of the body of the vitamin may come from exposure to the sun. But living places closed and use insulators rays prevents 99% of the composition of vitamin "d" of the skin, there are many people who do not produce enough. Times have shrunk living outside the buildings, and I told the elderly and the body's ability to synthesize vitamin in response to sunlight. Although the reduction of unwanted sun insulators, their use for the prevention of skin cancer is essential for those who are exposed to the sun more than 15 to 30 minutes. Can consumption of vitamin "d" as supplements or food sources for salmon, sardines, cod liver oil and foods fortified with vitamin, such as milk and grain. Treatment strategies Factors, lack of vitamin "d" is aging, dark skin pigment, distance from the equator, winter, smoking, obesity, kidney disease, liver, and certain medications. In the absence of clear clinical guidance, authors develop specific recommendations to restore the levels of vitamin "d" and maintain optimal for patients with heart and blood vessels. Should start treating these patients fifty thousand IU of vitamin "D 2" or "3-D" once a week for 8 to 12 weeks. Preventive treatment should be continued using one of the strategies: fifty thousand IU of vitamin "D 2" or "3-D" every two weeks, or a thousand thousand units "3-D" day, or exposure daily to the sun ten minutes for eggs skin and longer than that of the others between the tenth am and the third at noon. Look vitamin "d" safe. He spoke of poisoning are rare vitamin "d", causing high levels of calcium and kidney stones, when dealing with more than twenty thousand units a day.
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