I spoke the "Guardian" British for the new treatment, which enables scientists to Britain's University of Bradford to reach innovation reduces side effects of chemotherapy for cancer killer.And smart bomb "is the name of new innovation reached his medicine and is to use certain drugs attack only" infected cells cancer "in the body without" damaging other cells sound ", which was destroyed as a side effect of the way the old" chemotherapy ", including Hair Loss profusely or nausea.The newspaper quoted Professor Laurence Patterson, a professor at the University of Bradford, saying that the treatment of cancer by "smart bomb" has been applied to new mice and proved a success, where the experiment succeeded in eliminating tumors from the bodies of mice that were injected with cancer cells.The researchers at the University, "Bradford", Athoil chemical found in saffron to "smart bomb" targeting cancerous tumors without harming tissue sound and minimal side effects. "And expressed scientists are optimistic about the ability of medicine which is based on Article (colchicine) to heal humans after successfully tested on mice, and confirmed that "half tumors disappeared completely in some tests on medication after a single injection of it." the researchers reported that tests on humans could begin within 18 months, and if successful will be the drug available in the market within 6 or 7 years.
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