A new study finds that teens who eat a lot of soft drinks may increase their violence. The Web site, "Health Day News" U.S. researchers at the University of "Vermont" and found that teens who eat a lot of are more likely to be violent, but they pointed out that these drinks are not the direct cause of this problem.The study found that sugar and caffeine present in this type of drinks contribute to violent behavior of adolescents. But the researchers said that the consumption of soft drinks may be an indication of the high likelihood of violence already exists in your teens or bad for parents to exercise their role.The researcher responsible for the study "Sarah Sulenak" that "soft drinks may be a red flag pointing to something else not so well." The researchers asked nearly 1,900 high school students about the amount of soft drinks that they ate in a week, even if they are caught with a weapon or entered violent Bamshadh with family or friends.It turns out that nearly 43% of teenagers who ate 14 packets or more soft drinks a week have said they carried a weapon, compared to 23% of those who drank less. He said 33% of those who drank two cans to 4 drinks per week they carried a knife with them, compared to 38% of those who drank more than 5 packs. It appeared that nearly 27% of teenagers who drank more than 14 cans of drinks per week had entered violent Bamshadh with lover, compared with 15% of those who ate less than explosive. As for the relationship with friends, have quarreled 59% of those who drank more than 14 packets with them, compared with 35% of those who drank a bottle or less.
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