Ignore breakfast cause weight gain

Studies have shown that the belief that ignoring morning meal may reduce weight and thus become cholesterol in the blood in its natural boundaries, is a misconception.And on the contrary, gives morning breakfast appropriate energy for the body, as confirmed by many studies that eating breakfast in the morning
strengthens health, because during sleep carry out chemical compounds in our bodies tasks in the digestion of food from the previous night. By morning it was itching for human 'break the fast' after a period of abstinence from food. And the level of blood sugar that we need to run our muscles and Omkhchtna, usually Atia at the time of waking up, breakfast leads to upgrade it.But that happened and we fail to eat breakfast first, says Dr. David Ludwig, an expert on nutrition in the Children's Hospital Boston at Harvard University, we may begin to exhaust our energy resources, including those found in muscle inside. This does not lead to feeling tired, but more than most of the attraction in the post to any kind of unhealthy food to eat a piece of it or more, and therefore eat more food than necessary.Ludwig explained that every system of the body become stressful, since the lack of breakfast leads to the disruption of the biological clock in terms of regulating the body's abstention from food and eating. The failure in the morning breakfast worst failures, and for this reason, eating even small quantities within an hour of waking up is a good idea.Energy supply and become very important in the morning for children and adolescents in particular, who are metabolically 'metabolism' have a relatively active than adults. But a lot of American children and adolescents do not eat breakfast the morning, according to the newspaper, 'Middle East News'.Polls have shown that 20% health of children and 32 percent of American teens do not usually eat breakfast. There is no such pattern is healthy in the United States alone, as not include adolescents and American children alone, has indicated a review of the many studies that between 1.7% and 30% of the population in a number of industrialized countries including the United States do not eat their breakfast morning regularly .Studies have linked a regular morning breakfast and various aspects of health: improving memory, concentration of mind, and reduce the level of low-density cholesterol 'LDL - LDL, and reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. However, this is difficult to prove that morning breakfast are directly responsible for all these good effects.The number of studies have focused on the issue of weight maintenance, where researchers found that morning breakfast eaters are, on average, thinner than non-breakfast eaters, that put something of proteins and fiber early morning in your stomach may curb your appetite during the day.Healthy breakfastSays Dr. Ludwig and other nutrition experts that breakfast good must contain some carbohydrates, fiber (whole grains, fruits, or vegetables), and some protein sources is fatty like, eggs or yogurt, and some healthy fats such as those found in nuts and fish salmon.The omelet 'omelet' eggs roasted vegetables with a piece of whole grain bread with a good breakfast, and also is a good breakfast and a bowl of cereal with high fiber inlaid with pieces of fresh fruit and skim milk or soy milk with a handful of almonds or walnuts.Breakfast Tbadk specter of obesityA recent Taiwanese study highlighted the role of consumption and breakfast in the prevention of obesity, emphasizing that the neglect of those meals morning may adversely affect the quality of life for individuals, with respect to the health aspect.The study, by researchers from Taipei Medical University, more than 15 thousand people, of Almharikn in a national health survey conducted in Taiwan in 2005.The research team has identified people who do not eat breakfast, according to reports agency 'Quds Press' Monday, and who do not exceed the rate of repeat consumption for breakfast once a week. As these infected cases were classified obesity among respondents, the coefficient body mass (IBM) has 27 or more, in addition to assessing health-related quality of life when all participants.According to the results of the study published in the International Journal of Obesity issued for the month of April of 2010, rose the risk of developing obesity among people who do not eat breakfast, even if you set a number of important factors such as age, gender, educational level, marital status, monthly income, and other .According to the researchers, decreased quality of life in terms of health for people who eat breakfast, and from their point of view, support the results of the recent study and a possible role for eating breakfast in the prevention of obesity.He also stressed the Czech team of doctors that not eating breakfast prevents the body's response in the form required for material Alonzulan in it and thus higher cholesterol, and this is a very important meal of the quarter in order to supply the body's energy that is 20 to 25% of the energy needed.The doctor Renata Martenkova supervising the study, to be a mechanism functioning of the body need to be interpreted in order to develop a plan fit this mechanism, so show it has to be attention to many things in mind organizing supply the body with the energy it needs to spend a day working normally without any problematic.And confirmed that it is wrong simply eating and Jbptin large during the day but must distribute the amount of food properly, so it is necessary to give the body during the first half of the day energy daily needs and up to 60% and puts it be in full activity, and the duration of the afternoon and evening does not need for the same power who shall body converts food into surplus ragged in the body, causing obesity.And protect children from blood poisoningNutrition experts also stressed that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, because it provides the body about 30% of the food that gets them throughout the day, as the quality of food provided in this meal play a big role in the work of all organs of the body.Children and adults who do not eat enough breakfast and good in terms of quality they are less able to perform and appear in the form of lack of concentration and difficulty remembering.In the context of attention doctors breakfast, archaeologically useful new eat breakfast in the morning, the leaders of research that this meal, known ability to reduce the increasing weight as well as providing the body calorie necessary to start the working day - can also be protected from poisoning with metal Lead, especially in children.The study published in the journal 'Environmental Health', that scientists conducted a survey of health conditions in some areas of China, which suffer high levels of pollution, where it has shown that children who Tnolun breakfast retreat concentration of lead in their blood by 15% compared with those who are not keen on This meal.The study, which lasted for six months that the lack of food in the body the first hours of the day increases the blood's ability to absorb bullets.And re-study the matter to the body absorbs minerals from the food according to their importance, so the priority of calcium and Alphusvi, but in the event of their absence due to lack of access to the morning meal, the body will be more willing to absorb large amounts of lead.She explained Bunting that the primary sources of lead contamination is friction paint and pigment that contains the metal, even after drying, and drinking water from the pipes and pumps old made of lead, or use real food that enters the metal in installed, along with some cosmetic like kohl.But it remains more prevalent factor, a gasoline that contains lead, and still this fuel is used widely in many developing countries.According to the study, the parents who have high educational levels or good jobs were more aware of the benefits of breakfast, and were keen to provide for their children constantly.The sudden death TbadkA recent study also reported that neglect breakfast could cause sudden death, while a snack in the morning may reduce the incidence of cardiac arrest.The study showed that the seriousness of the negligence and breakfast leads to higher most cases strokes and blood clots that cause of death in the early morning hours, where the platelets at that time more active and tend to form clots and clots blood, while eating little food am probably reduces the activity of those plates where pushing a large amount of blood to the stomach to complete the digestion process.Dr. Fayez ultra Professor heart disease, to be neglected and breakfast does not necessarily lead to death, but there are other reasons lead to that should be dealt with consciously and keen, where should heart patients eat a light breakfast and a low-fat consists of dish small bean and cheese Quraish and boiled egg, as well as eating yogurt, honey and brown bread and pieces of fruit with dimension entirely fatty dishes and stop smoking and reduce the amount of salt used in food, exercise daily walk.


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