health. The researchers measured the evolution of the symptoms of aging when the participants by measuring the loss of weight and effort, walking speed and grip strength. The researchers found that participants who have a positive vision of life were less likely to have symptoms of weakness of others. The researchers stressed the need for further research to explain why this relationship. However, the researchers predicted that positive emotions may directly affect health by changing the chemical balance in the body. Perhaps the reason for this link is that the optimistic attitude helps in promoting human health through the likelihood of success of these people in life. Said Dr. Glenn Ostar commander research team, told BBC News Online: "I think that there is a relationship between the mind and body where our thoughts and our behavior and feelings affect physical functioning and health in general, either through mechanisms directly, such as the functions of the immune system or through mechanisms indirectly, such as social support networks. " The other study published in the same journal that mindset may affect physical performance. In this study, the research team asked the University of North Carolina of 153 people of all ages perform tests on memory after they heard the words describing positive and negative phrases famous for aging. Negative phrases included confusion, dementia and dementia The positive phrases completion and activity and excellence. The results showed that memory performance when participants in the study of adults was weak after being negative for phrases. In contrast there was a significant difference in the performance of memory between young people and adults who were exposed to positive terms. The researchers said their study suggests that if the deal with older members they going to do in the community they will be as well. Thomas Hess said research team leader, told BBC News Online: "There may be social reasons with a strong impact on memory performance in adults."
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