Orange of the best fruits and beautiful and fruits good appetite and useful to humans since ancient times has medical benefits and many contain vitamin c, vitamin c.a and 1.b and 2.b, one of the natural compounds that taste good (including sweet, including sour sweet) and what has been said in Proverbs old (does not exist Health and Safety in place does not exist for its orange ...) There old studies since 3300 BC shows us that the Chinese southerners were eating sweet orange and Tangerines (named our Iraq) to Alinka since ancient times and learned if were not China paved the orange first understand the first high-end to the benefits of orange many and benefited from it as food and Akecorh, flowers and seeds medically and Mzjoha some foods for Taterha and were orange export to India, Japan and the Malay and some countries of the Middle East. With the advent of the second century AD were orange trees fill large areas of Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and other
countries, along with a lot of citrus fruits, including limes. The orange fruit invaded Europe before the Roman state, Italy, southern plains Aruba to Spain with the seventh century solutions such as early fifth century AD. Campaign has been accompanied with Christopher Columbus in his second trip to the American continent in 1493 Vtm sow the seeds of oranges in Haiti from the West Indies and then to Mexico and Central America in the early sixteenth century. Between 1513-1565 m where the Indians publish seeds orange brought the Spaniards to the Florida peninsula to spread in North America before unnoticed farmers in California Weseronha on a commercial scale and wide in 1800 and since that time has become orange fruits known and familiar to many residents of the new minimum South Africa and Australia and there are many good types grown in Iraq, Palestine and Iran. In England history orange was a year ago 1685, when planting (William Temple) first trees was the king Charles I large garden of orange in (and مبلدون) equal to the tree, each between ten and twenty pounds and was orchard owners all over England devote a section of their land for the cultivation of different types of oranges and lemon .. Incidentally in 1940 increased export oranges from Spain to Germany more than 40% were England and France more importers oranges from Spain after Germany in the fall of 1943, amounted to export oranges from Spain to Switzerland and England two million four hundred thousand boxes of sweet orange and there many countries Arab and African and AUBIET as well as India Turkey and Iran used this fruit and export the surplus. That eating an orange one before the food is excellent Mshahya There are approximately 200 species of orange, citrus fruits similar to him containing 23 essential element of nutrients such as: fructose, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and other ... Has been proven after examination (investigation) in the latest scientific laboratories orange that contains the items listed below:
69% vitamin c 4% calcium 9% would like 6% Iron 36% manganese nitrate 17% citric acid 32% mineral salts 1% vitamin against cancer 6% Vitamin against Alrmatesm 9% natural sugar hardener 13% bone-building vitamin 16% catalyst for wound healing .... In conclusion: supply you what the professor Italian (Nicolas Cayo) Founder and Director of the Center for Health (private hospital) in the city of Barslon Spain mentions that through 40 years of experience and investigation and reading and writing more than 70 books and the subject of treating diseases with food which (book orange food and medicine (f) book therapy grapes and lemon and orange) indicating to us the benefits of this fruit that God blessed us like all the many blessings and most. I hope to God Almighty for all health and safety is adequate Shafi, a (نعمتان Mjholtan, health and safety)
1 - filter blood and kill the worm syrup and wholesome. 2 - orange juice removes fever and relieves him and a fall in temperature due to fever. 3 - expel phlegm and is useful for cleaning the pharynx and larynx. 4 - a diuretic and cleanser for college and bladder. 5 - laxative and removes waste of the stomach and intestines and cleans. 6 - orange helps heal wounds and cure skin diseases and beneficial for high blood pressure. 7 - strengthens the stomach and strengthens teeth and removes some gum disease in the mouth and heartbreaking gravel, Ivebha and sand expelled from the body. 8 - fortified orange juice and appetizing, especially to those who complain of anemia. 9 - strengthens the nerves, heart, hypnotic and soothing and comfortable for the brain. 10 - Orange strengthens bones and nails, hair and teeth and reduces the proportion of fat (cholesterol). 11 - regulates the respiratory process of the teeth. 12 - Anti against cough and flu. 13 - oranges helps to expel gases. 14 - orange regulates the work of muscles and veins increases calcium. 15 - against sexually transmitted diseases, syphilis and some venereal diseases. 16 - is useful for skin diseases and scabies. 17 - useful for tumors of the uterus, ovary and urinary tract and prostate. 18 - useful for situations gag (vomiting). 19 - Orange Naaf joints and tumors gout, Alrmatesm and atherosclerosis. 20 - helps to eliminate the effects of poisoning as a result of the use of chemical drugs. 21 - strengthens the nervous system and digestive system and is useful in the treatment of tumors of the seat and hemorrhoids. 22 - prevents a lot of cancers. 23 - orange syrup and wholesome for typhoid disease. 24 - is beneficial to the cold, for people with the flu. 25 - oranges factor is useful to eliminate some candidacies to the reproductive system in women and juice handy and compensates for the mother's milk. 26 - useful and perfumed and wholesome with power. 27 - oranges good medicine and is useful to remove the gums and mouth sores. 28 - benefit use orange peel over the coal-fired in Managil covering the beautiful smell of orange peel smell of coal. 29 - in the year 1930 AD, Dr. (Maranon) in Spain segmenting vitamins present in orange and I consider them useful for diabetics as well as thought (Dr. Crane's father) that orange juice is useful for treating diabetics, Dr. (Scheuer brooch) Spanish is orange syrup and wholesome and beneficial for many diseases. 30 - in orange are many benefits even in the outer crust in fat and seeds (cores) that is not extravagant to handle (Valasrav in anything payoff) (Eat and drink but waste not by excess). 31 - After washing orange peel (dried) so that it can be milled in the mill electrical well does Kalboudr work for use with milk or when making work Custard (Alcastr) or the work of sweets and cakes Kmatr substitute for vanilla, a benefit for the stomach gas ... It has good flavor, fragrance and natural color. 32 - According to the French brand large (Ms. Osé Rando) President of the Food Hygiene Foundation for the presence of acidic materials and natural chemical in the orange juice is useful and beneficial to the body and provide heat and believes his vitality and activity. 33 - fruits useful for adults and young people and the young, especially in winter and is useful for dyspepsia and stated in the books (old) that China is the origin of the orange fruit?! 34 - wrote a Chinese year 1178 that there are 27 species of some seedless oranges (nuclei). 35 - considered the Chinese symbol of happiness and orange Persians said it best tree worthy of paradise Hereafter. 36 - Nowadays latter Use many orange flowers (Gaddah) perfumes and crowns for brides. 37 - that the characteristics and benefits of orange fruit and the many benefits in the treatment and cure of up to such a degree which we can say that the presence of a cage (Cartoon) oranges in the home equivalent, but more from a natural pharmacy in the treatment of diseases and instrumental in healing. 38 - mothers are advised for the safety of young and healthy feeding time their children ببرتقالة or cup orange juice instead of chocolate or some sweets harmful. 39 - Tarif and wondrous stated that in island Fernandobo Africa there orange-sized equivalent to the size of oranges found our (Iraq) five or more times a sweet and a lot of water (Ryan). 40 - mixing sweet orange juice with a little honey wholesome and very useful as food for young and equivalent to breast milk.
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