The educational effects of secondhand smoke on children

Glasgow Herald newspaper reported Scottish results of a new study has proven that the more children are exposed to secondhand smoke whenever decreased performance in the subjects of reading and math. The newspaper added that this is the first study of its kind and they consider the impact of passive smoking on children's health and their performance in cognitive skills. According to the study conducted in the United States measured the extent of exposure to the environment of smoke through the follow-up blood Ketnin a substance secreted by the body as a result of exposure to nicotine, adding that proportion Ketnin can be measured through blood or urine, saliva or hair. The newspaper said that the study conducted on 4399 children aged between 6 and 16 years, adding that the center of children's environmental health in Cincinnati America measured ratio Ketnin in the blood of these children and the values ​​of their performance in the tests of logic, mathematics, reading and found that their results proved the existence of a relationship between passive smoking and performance In these materials, the more exposure to secondhand smoke whenever diminished ability to read and think logically. It quoted Dr. Kimberly Jultn one researchers who conducted the study as saying that this deterioration in the levels huge implications for communities because millions of children around the world are exposed to secondhand smoke. The paper said that this study will give a boost to the proposed law in Scotland and banning smoking in all enclosed public places including bars, restaurants and social clubs and workplaces.


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