Thinness and how to get rid of them

If you can not find the thinness problem aesthetically hand ladies Specifically, we find that most fashion models and celebrities West trying as much as possible to reach their bodies to the point of thinness in some areas of the body such as the abdomen, legs and arms, but for the men it is a problem aesthetic really because mensupposed to be a broad reconfigured textures somewhat because there muscles that were a problem in terms of health if reached thinness to top levels, we will talk about when she says that your body slim and What causes and what the optimal treatment have and what are the most important tips to restore ideal weight without Difohat inthe body and what nature recipes help in treatment ....

How do you discover you slim:
A person who suffers from thinness is the one who have a body mass index BMI has less than 18.5 and appears on the face signs fatigue accompanied by signs of premature aging and occupies an area eyelids directed flushes and fading on the lips as they appear under the eye black spots ringed sometimes blue spots and get muscle mucous expansion and hair becomes harsh dry or coarse complexReasons thinness
1 - defects food: related to poor nutrition and this does not mean lack of quantitative covered person of food, but is intended to malnutrition is not eating a varied diet containing amounts of appropriate nutritional values ​​of vitamins and minerals, proteins and carbohydrates, which the body needs daily or movement strong and Aaqublha food or follow special diets to lose weight and continue to limit access to the thinness and then not being able to recover normal weight
2 - satisfactory result: the physical and psychological diseases diseases psychological and mental state of psychological emotions, anxiety and worry or depression have a significant role depression severe cause loss of appetite and there's disease obsession that makes a patient does not feel hunger and disease bulimia nervosa makes a person afraid of injury obesity or disorders may increase the rate of burning food, but physical ailments and found that the following diseases if effecting the body it will be the cause of thinness Kalkhall in hormones and overactive thyroid any increased activity of the thyroid gland Obed Gastroenterology which prevents absorption of digested food such as poor digestion أوجود parasites or worm or worms and amoebas or the presence of anemia or severe anemia or infection of some tumors or as a result of treatment or incidence of certain diseases such as diabetes and tuberculosis and the solution is to go to a doctor and work analysis thyroid gland and analyzes Paul and stool and blood tests exposing why patients
3 - genetic reasons: It is referenced to the sequence in the family and that was and saw the reason patients with inherited is no reason inherited thinness

Treatment thinness:
Treatment thinness result particular disease Here we need to address why a disease and then thin and this of course needs Walid doctor As for the reasons for food is here solved treatment begins to know why and treated like that be the reason as a result of the movement of severe Here must eat food by movement any energy interview effort and all Matanajh nutritionist to regulate diet review dietitian which calculates calories needed by the person for weight, length and sex, activity and weight who wishes revised upwards because he should get the individual on the amount of calories than its needs and be staging and of course eating enough carbohydrates, proteins and fats, salts and vitamins Treatment Center on the quality of the food, not quantity with regular exercise in order to increase appetite as it strengthens muscles and makes weight gain concentrated in the muscle rather than fat gain in the abdomen only reduce the impact of stress on health Generally proper nutrition should include daily: milk or cheese, once orange juice or tomatoes, green salad, once vegetables fresh and potato or soup, one egg per day or four eggs a week, the amount of butter, this next eating brown breadThe most important tips for successful treatment Chew food slowly and sufficiently Prefers to eat small meals and multiple rather than a few large meals and  Slim needs three main meals and three small meals first between breakfast and lunch and the second between Algda and the last dinner and before bedtime Avoid drinking water during meals because it weakens the digestive enzymes and hinders the digestion process and fills the stomach and makes a slim feel satiety quickly Dessert and drinks after a meal rather than before even less appetite Away as possible from the stress and problems that weaken the appetite and thus reduce weight Fortifying use some lotions and excess weight, such as powder or vitamins and minerals and, of course, consult a nutritionist or doctor
Recipes for the treatment of thin and those who wish to gain weight
• always eat figs Kvtor with star anise for forty days it ensures dramatic weight increases
• Take the ring and placed in the amount of water and boil on the fire four times or five every time water again and then crushed finely and add to it, such as the weight of the wheat flour soft and cooked milk cow until it becomes soup mature then add honey or sugar as sufficiently and stir a bit, then down from the fire and used it increases weight and handling thinness
• using emulsion nuts juniper or Mtabuchha add a cup of hot water boiling to the amount of outstanding small fruit mashed and drink it much TWICE a day with multiple doses, and cooked fruits thereby acting cook the amount of fresh fruit four-fold from the water to become soft Kajeen and given him large amount pending before eating twice a day
• used nuts oak Kgahoh such as coffee or after mixing cocoa lean Ptakecr fruits and dried well in the sun and roasted in the roaster such as coffee until the color blonde then grind Billsona coffee and working coffee from this powder by adding outstanding small him to a cup of water is boiled, the cocoa it works powder dry fruits mixed with cocoa powder fat-free and add a little wheat flour to add everyone to the boiling water and then used after that, it handles general weakness and weak nerves


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