Showing posts with label nutrition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nutrition. Show all posts

New Apple Ingredient Discovery Keeps Muscles Strong


Natural Component of Apple Peels Found To Help Prevent Muscle Weakening

 In search of an effective method to prevent muscle wasting that comes with illness and agi

The findings reported in the June issue of Cell Metabolism (a Cell Press publication), identify a natural component of apple peels known as Ursolic Acid as a promising newnutritional therapy for the widespread and debilitating condition that affects nearly everyone at one time or another.

"Muscle wasting is a frequent companion of illness and aging," explained researchers from The University of Iowa, Iowa City. "It prolongs hospitalization, delays recoveries and in some cases prevents people going back home. It isn't well understood and there is no medicine for it."

The research team first looked at what happens to gene activity in muscles under conditions that promote weakening. Those studies turned up 63 genes that change in response to fasting in both people and mice and another 29 that shift their expression in the muscles of both people who are fasting and those with spinal cord injury. Comparison of those gene expression signatures to the signatures of cells treated with more than 1300 bio-active small molecules led them to ursolic acid as a compound with effects that might counteract those of atrophy.

"Ursolic Acid is an interesting natural compound," they said. "It's part of a normal diet as a component of apple peels. They always say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away..."

The researchers next gave Ursolic Acid to fasted laboratory subjects. Those experiments showed that ursolic acid could protect against muscle weakening as predicted. When ursolic acid was added to the food of normal subjects for a period of weeks, their muscles grew. Those effects were traced back to enhanced insulin signaling in muscle and to corrections in the gene signatures linked to atrophy.

The subjects given ursolic acid also became leaner and had lower blood levels of glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides. The findings therefore suggest that ursolic acid may be responsible for some of the overall benefits of healthy eating.

"We know if you eat a balanced diet like mom told us to eat you get this material," the researchers explained "People who eat junk food don't get this."

It is not yet clear whether the findings will translate to human patients, but the goal now is to "figure out if this can help people." If so, they don't yet know whether Ursolic Acid at levels that might be consumed as part of a normal diet might or might not be enough.

Journal Reference:

mRNA Expression Signatures of Human Skeletal Muscle Atrophy Identify a Natural Compound that Increases Muscle Mass. Cell Metabolism

About The Author
Michael Clonts is the owner of the LMC Health Shop. He provides quality weight loss management, nutrition supplement, and multivitamins for supporting a healthy better you. He wants you to trust that you are putting the finest quality multivitamins, health and nutrition supplements, and weight loss products available into your body.

Common reason for loss of appetite

Often occurs loss of appetite as a result of feeling bored, loneliness, or depression.However, there are other reasons must bear in mind:• medication can cause slight nausea or loss of appetite, and can resolve the problem by changing the dosage or switching to another drug, ask for advice from your doctor.• can cause chronic disease is not diagnosed loss of appetite, if there is no other explanation, ask your doctor whether there is a need for a thorough medical examination.• stronger appetite Exercise and Sport, and the elderly who live inert be weak Shahytm.• problems with teeth (including dentures is appropriate) can make eating something raised frustration, if you suspect that the problem of teeth due to which may be the reason you lose interest in food, go to the dentist even treat you. -->

"Red Bull" increases the risk of stroke

Australian researchers warned Saturday that eating tin or bottle of energy drink (Red Bull) a day can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke even for adolescents.The study reported that eating metal tray capacity of 250 mL of this mixture "that provides the wings to fly," as described by some over the "wife" of

Lack of vitamin "d" lead to heart disease and vascular

Vitamin A deficiency is associated with "d" traditionally weak muscles and bones. But researchers have grown link to evidence a lack of vitamin "d" active in the circulatory system to increase the risk of heart disease and blood vessels. This means new injury factor is added to high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes, as well as cases of cardiovascular President Chalsktat and congestive heart failure, according to "review" of previous research will be published in the days after the journal "Journal of the American College of Cardiology." The audit reported practical recommendations for mass screening for low levels of vitamin "d" active and treatment, especially for those at risk of heart as patients or diabetes. Experts say preventive cardiology at the Mid America Institute of the heart of Kansas City that a lack of vitamin "d" undefined new factor to the risk of heart disease, should be examined collectively, which facilitates assessment of deficiencies and vitamin supplements

Honey may be a substitute for preservatives

U.S. researcher said that honey can be a substitute for preservatives that are added to some foods for storage and make it valid for as long as possible because it contains antioxidants. He replaced researcher Nicky amino acids Anguezaz (EDTA) to prevent oil in power and in broth means sweet corn, which is placed in a lot of products gravy to give it flavor and a sweet taste, from oxidation. Said Anguezaz a assistant professor in the Department of Food Chemistry at the University of Illinois, "we found that antioxidants in honey maintained the quality of broth power for about nine months and made ​​a natural sweet taste." He added that he conducted tests on 19 types of honey to see their impact and their characteristics and their ability to save materials that are added to it, it is clear that most of them contain compounds that can save food for several months.

Orange handy to quit smoking

The orange resist the urge to smoke has confirmed a study conducted in Britain that orange help to quit smoking, Where he continued a group of smokers to eating oranges for 3 weeks, and found after expiration of this period that 20% of smokers have been able already to quit smoking and the rest of the group was able mostly to lower the amount of cigarettes daily for what he used to eat by up an average to 79 %, and most important results reached by the study that citrus juice generally private orange has resistive effect of the desire to smoke for some reason is quite obvious. Therefore able extraction studies that men can eat smoked orange when he feels the desire to smoke, try eating fruit at least one day

Study: Soft drinks linked to violent teens

A new study finds that teens who eat a lot of soft drinks may increase their violence. The Web site, "Health Day News" U.S. researchers at the University of "Vermont" and found that teens who eat a lot of are more likely to be violent, but they pointed out that these drinks are not the direct cause of this problem.The study found that sugar and caffeine present in this type of drinks contribute to violent behavior of adolescents. But the researchers said that the consumption of soft drinks may be an indication of the high likelihood of violence already exists in your teens or bad for parents to exercise their role.The researcher responsible for the study "Sarah Sulenak" that "soft drinks may be a red flag pointing to something else not so well." The researchers asked nearly 1,900 high school students about the amount of soft drinks that they ate in a week, even if they are caught with a weapon or entered violent Bamshadh with family or friends.It turns out that nearly 43% of teenagers who ate 14 packets or more soft drinks a week have said they carried a weapon, compared to 23% of those who drank less. He said 33% of those who drank two cans to 4 drinks per week they carried a knife with them, compared to 38% of those who drank more than 5 packs. It appeared that nearly 27% of teenagers who drank more than 14 cans of drinks per week had entered violent Bamshadh with lover, compared with 15% of those who ate less than explosive. As for the relationship with friends, have quarreled 59% of those who drank more than 14 packets with them, compared with 35% of those who drank a bottle or less.

Tomato production is rich in anti-cancer

A team of American scientists in the production of tomato fruits contain larger amounts of antioxidants and resistance to cancer by about three and a half times. The scientists at the University of Bjordo and Research Center in the U.S. Department of Agriculture to develop tomato fruits especially for the purposes of processing the finest quality food and the best are maturing quickly. They discovered that the new tomato richest antioxidant compounds and the most important article (lycopene), from traditional crops, noting that repeated consumption of foods that contain this powerful material reduces the risk of cancer, lowers bad cholesterol levels also in patients. The researchers explained that lycopene is the pigment that gives tomato fruits their distinctive red color, which is one of hundreds of vehicles Alkorotanuedah that give red, orange and yellow fruits and vegetables such as beta-carotene in carrots. Has been producing new types of tomatoes by planting Jane is derived from yeast was integrated with gene catalyst is already in the plants to help run it, where he works this gene catalyst to set a date and place of operating Jane yeast in tomatoes, which in turn produces the enzyme affects the production growth factors in plants called (Boljminz) responsible for protecting cells from damage and death and to build new and useful compounds in plant cells. And combine with hormone (ethylene) plant which causes fruit ripening, explaining that by using this gene catalyst which aims to translate gene in fruit only entrance, you are getting the fruits of tomatoes contain higher amounts of lycopene.

Milk protects obese diabetic!!

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that people with obesity and excessive weight can reduce their risk of diabetes and heart disease through regular intake of milk and dairy products.The researchers said that milk consumption significantly less in the last thirty years, because of the nature of common foods poor in nutrients, has been associated with this decline with increased rates of obesity and Type II diabetes and diseases of the cardiovascular system. The researchers at Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical, studying the relationship between the consumption of milk and dairy products and the incidence of what is known Bmtlazem insulin resistance, a condition considered a risk factors for diabetes and heart disease, when more than three thousand people from youth aged between 18 and 30 years , through follow-up behavior and dietary habits followed. The researchers found that the consumption of milk and milk products is associated adversely with infection rates of cases associated with the correlative insulin resistance, which include obesity and glucose intolerance, high blood pressure and problems related to fats and Hmakiat blood, but this link was not observed when people Alnahilan, which indicates that the milk effects and preventive when people excessive weight only. The researchers found that the risk of insulin resistance Bmtlazem, was lower among overweight people who consumed the highest amounts of milk and milk products by 72 per cent, compared with obese people who consumed the least amount. Scientists also scored a drop of 21 per cent in the risk with all the daily consumption of dairy products, and these possibilities were similar when whites and blacks, men and women. The researchers concluded that dietary patterns characterized by an increase of the consumption of milk and dairy products from milk, may protect persons excessive weight of obesity and correlative insulin resistance, which increases the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.And Imam Hassan (peace be upon him) said: The Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) if you drink milk, he said: (God bless us when we increased it). The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family) said: that Alotaiban mean dates and milk). The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family) was the drink for us Eetmdamad said: his-fat. In the novel: He (peace be upon him): If drink milk Vtamadamadoa you, it has-fat.And Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) said: dairy cow Medicine. And Imam al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) said to him, man: I ate us Vodharna, said: What never something VAT, but you ate with your other Vodhar who ate with him and I thought it was milk.

Orange and benefits

Orange of the best fruits and beautiful and fruits good appetite and useful to humans since ancient times has medical benefits and many contain vitamin c, vitamin c.a and 1.b and 2.b, one of the natural compounds that taste good (including sweet, including sour sweet) and what has been said in Proverbs old (does not exist Health and Safety in place does not exist for its orange ...) There old studies since 3300 BC shows us that the Chinese southerners were eating sweet orange and Tangerines (named our Iraq) to Alinka since ancient times and learned if were not China paved the orange first understand the first high-end to the benefits of orange many and benefited from it as food and Akecorh, flowers and seeds medically and Mzjoha some foods for Taterha and were orange export to India, Japan and the Malay and some countries of the Middle East. With the advent of the second century AD were orange trees fill large areas of Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and other

Add milk tea lose its health benefits

Showed several previous studies that tea tonic for immunity and help reduce the damage cells, and has connected against tooth decay and improve the level of sugar in the blood, as his health benefits of blood vessels in the heart, but there are usually some in the tea laced with milk, may lose someits health benefits, according to a recent research study.The study was published recently in the European Heart Journal, where researchers studied 16 adults drink Okdaha of black tea with boiling water, and others Amzjohnh slightly from skimmed milk, then the researchers measured the effect of these drinks on vascular functions.The comparison between the owners of boiling water, causing black tea to improve the functions of their arteries, while showing them that adding milk to tea that he lost this positive impact on the health of the arteries.The scientists repeated the experiment on laboratory mice to reach the same results which Vsrōha existence of some vitamins in milk may deviate or stop antioxidant properties in tea.From here the researchers concluded that the addition of milk to tea lose some of its health benefits.

Hospital meals more harmful than fast food!

According to a new study carried out by British Sesten Foundation, and after comparison of the number food, showing that the food provided to patients in government hospitals more harmful and less quality of food served in fast food restaurants.The researchers said that 75% of the food served in hospitals contains larger amounts of salt and fat by 60% compared with hamburgers produced by the famous McDonald's U.S. company.As it turns out that the meal rice curry and pasta served in British hospitals contain sometimes a greater percentage of fat by 6-fold and salt by double compared with a share of hamburgers and french fries to offer fast food restaurants or compare with Pizza Alberuna medium.The official advised Foundation "Sesten" patients visit fast-food restaurants instead of eating the food served in the hospital and that there are no standards that define quality.Within the framework of the study was finding the quality of food in 25 company that provides food for British hospital patients.The activists demanded the British government to establish standards food networks, fast food restaurants, but also for hospitals, while the Ministry of Health responded to these demands, saying that hospitals choose the same companies that provide them with food.

Recipe to get rid of excess weight!

Showed a new study published in the journal (the flag) recently, to reduce hundred only price of calories consumed per day, may prevent weight gain each year.With the exponential increase in the numbers of obesity, encourages researchers in the United States to reduce calorie intake, even in small quantities, as preventive method against obesity and excessive weight.To determine the amount of caloric intake

lemon and benefits

Many people think that the lemon devitalized of the heart and this suspicion large Vallimon sour food and hardener and Friends of Humanity, whereby have recovered millions of people and treated these FRUIT that blessed us by God and what more we God yes praise be to God for the blessing and Akram. As stated in heritage and ancient Egyptian tales: They wore sentenced to death in front of a snake and when the snake

Olive oil protects against breast cancer

U.S. researchers said that olive oil may help in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer. This came in a study published in the journal Annals of Oncology U.S. in this month. The members of the research team Weinberg School of Medicine at the University of Northwestern series of laboratory experiments on cells derived from breast tumors and found that the oleic acid found in abundance in olive oil has led to low levels

Eating vegetables helps to delay aging

Urged the annual report issued by the UN about the population in the world scientific institutions on the expansion in the production of foodstuffs derived from vegetables, fruits and grains. The report,
which was circulated to scientific institutions in the world that food and food with less animal fat and a high proportion of vegetables, fruits and grains can help increase healthy life for humans by reducing the risks of death and anti-aging all means and delay aging to the maximum extent possible. The report emphasized that rely more on food, plant source, would help extend the life of man, and that scientific research suggests a possible jump in reconstruction in the century atheist twenty to over a hundred years note that life expectancy in the present century ranged between 60 to 65 years in the third world, either in Europe and the United States is more than 72 years. The report noted that the tests have shown that the rate of human life in European countries and the United States recently increased by 25 years after it was the development of medical care and food for the vast majority of the population since childhood.


Lemon to eliminate obesity

Expansion of medical scientists, plants and food in Male characteristics and benefits of lemon, and a summary of what they have said that lemon composite of three different parts of benefits and powers, a .. Chaff, sour and sowing. It benefits that tonic for the stomach and the heart. It prescriptions involving lemon:

Recipe to fight obesity:
Soak a few cumin in boiling water with a lemon cut in rings and leaves throughout the night and drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

Finest recipe for skin whiter than white

Get clear skin and pure dream of every woman, but not all women know the correct way to become perfect their skin. An easy and simple way dear and do not require a lot of effort, just bring:  1 tablespoon of starch ½ small cup of rose water 1 tablespoon honey Method: Mix all ingredients well and put them over the fire

Why fight doctors soft drinks?

Five reasons why doctors and dietician hate soft drinks:

1- What's in these drinks nutritional value? Water, sugar, gas and chemicals portfolio! Major task "inflatable" our children, and the fatty layers on them, not only that these drinks right "empty food"!
2- Complain much that our children do not accept to eat, and doctors rushing mothers complainants weeping: my baby my doctor does not eat. Phipptzm doctor and asks: Do you drink soft drinks without the expense? Mother says: Yes. Here is the answer, child fills the stomach of this drink, how would accept the food?