May become restore sight to the blind and reality over a period of 10 or 15 years from now, according to the confirmation Phil Troyk, a researcher with the Illinois Institute of Technology, who leads the far more advanced studies in this area.
And was Troyk and members of his team may have made extensive progress in testing in animals during which processes electronic transmission of images and scenes to the outer shell of the brain, a move seen by many researchers made great progress in this area. The Troyk hopes to begin human trials within three or four years, and is also expected to begin operations reconsideration to the blind during the period after 10 or 15 years from now.
It is remarkable and surprising is that the world, who leads this effort does not work originally a doctor, has obtained a first degree in electronics engineering and master's and doctorate in bioengineering from the University of Illinois before becoming technical consultant of the company «Norzqorb» Systems defensive Later adviser National Institute of Health. Joined Troyk company «ITT in 1983 and later became a professor of biological engineering, where his efforts and focused his energies in the field of surgery electronic prosthetic considered. And since the world began 1996 leads a team of 30 researchers distributors in six laboratories distributed at the University of Chicago and Huntington Center for Medical Research in Pasadena, California and laboratories «AAC» in Norwood, Massachusetts.
* Electronic transport
* The draft Troyk principle the possibility of transfer of any scene directly to electrodes implanted in the brain and this can be translated into discernible forms. In experiments conducted on animals have been placed inside dark rooms to look at a computer screen showing images and forms stimulate to do some kind of activity. When animal does this activity, which is in the original reaction, given a catalyst in the form of an award for encouragement. After weeks of this routine computer being closed inside a completely dark room, and the same forms are sent electronically to the electrodes planted in animals. And the fact that these animals similar activities and tasks, possible for researchers to make sure that these forms 'seen' by the brain. , Troyk say the concept is not new in any case, since his debut return to the sixties when British researcher began Giles Prendla experiments using poles planted. The researchers believe that the chip technology contributed significantly to the growing number of poles up to 250 and maybe 1000 pole in the near future. He adds Troyk he was sure that the victims of blindness in the world will be able to walk in the future and vision with the help of a small video camera installed in Nzarathm. The major obstacle now in helping the brain to interpret stimuli or motivation, because the interpretation of stimuli not only helps to identify the forms of light and dark, but on the perception of succession, movement and color. So, why are delayed conduct human trials to a period of a few years? Says Troyk, that although there are volunteers in wait, they will not ask individuals to risk surgery on the brain only after making sure that the full confidence of the success of experiments conducted on animals. The Professor Joseph Rizzo, a professor of ophthalmology at the Medical College of Boston University, has expressed optimism about the progress that has been made by Phil Troyk and the team of researchers working with him, and he said, commenting that the hope in the success of attempts prosthetics for the eyes and restore consideration can not succeed without the contributions of researchers, He also praised the efforts of Phil Troyk in this area, stressing that legitimate is the only one of its kind so far. The Troyk had started his funding did not exceed half a million dollars before he gets a grant from the Ministry of Health $ 3.6 million, and pointed out that starting in the application of human trials need to budget between 3 and 5 million others. There in the United States alone more than a million blind central individuals who are over the age of 40 years, in addition to 2.4 others suffering from various forms of visual disability, and is expected to multiply these numbers over the next 30 years. The Troyk said success in making a blind person see again and seen his grandchildren, scientific achievement and a great humanitarian.
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