Do not skimp on your heart .. And eating fish twice a week!!

A new study has found that eating oily fish Kasmk salmon and tuna twice a week at least may prevent heart attacks. The doctors found evidence that the substance omega-3 or 3 in this kind of fish can prevent irregular movement of the heart, which may lead to a heart attack.The doctors found that fish oil can prevent irregular heartbeat. And prevent the presence of excessive amounts of sodium and calcium in the heart. These can
excess electrical discharge, according (BBC), that cause serious neurological changes in the heart.Although this study is the latest but a lot of discoveries and scientific studies have shown that the type of fat you eat, whether saturated or unsaturated alters the production of a mission of substances in the body known as Aakossanoidz. These substances affect on blood pressure the, Taktherh, inflammation, and immune system function and coronary artery spasm.Produces fish oils type of omega-3 series of these materials (Aakossanoidz) proven to reduce the risk of heart disease, infections and certain types of cancer, and these oils provide additional benefits for the heart through the following:- Reduce the level of fat in the blood (cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides).- Reduce the factors that affect blood clotting.- Increase relaxes blood vessels and large arteries in a meaningful way.- Ease inflammation in the blood vessels.Most foods do not have at the present time a sufficient amount of musk omega-3 oils to achieve maximum health benefits. It could be argued simply that eating seafood twice to four times a week lead to an improvement in the health of most people.Also found that omega-3 oils useful in preventing some cases of cancer, colitis, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and some mental illnesses.Among the benefits of fish oil that contains omega-3 in the heart protection that reduces the risk of heart attack by increasing the levels of fatty acids in the blood cell membrane, which in turn reduces the platelet pool as well as coronary artery spasms. Also, a moderate amount of fatty acids can reduce the susceptibility tremor abdominal and thereby reduce the risk of death due to coronary artery disease.The researchers also found that patients taking medications to treat high blood pressure can minimize or get rid of them completely from the need for these drugs through change their lifestyles and their diet.This proved to scientists at Britain's University of Southampton, with certainty, that oily fish protects the rights of heart disease and strokes.They have found that omega-3 oils found in fish inhibit fat accumulation and deposition in the arterial walls, which if left untreated, it will fill the bloodstream connecting to the heart and brain, causing heart attacks or strokes.The researchers in the study follow-up 162 patients awaiting surgery allocated to remove high levels of hazardous plaques accumulated in the arteries, were divided into three groups, so that took the first fish oil capsules of omega-3, and took second capsules sunflower oil, while abuse members of the third group tablets ordinary items that are not active, for a period of 42 daily before undergoing surgery.The doctors noted in their study, published in the journal (The Lancet) Medical, and there are fewer inflammatory cells in platelets in patients who took fish oil, which means that this oil reduced their vulnerability to heart attacks or strokes.This new medical study showed that fish oil supplements may be the best types of treatments are simple and safe for most neurological diseases difficult and complex known personality disorders.The doctors said that anti-depression medication and improved mood is not effective as a treatment only when only a few of the patients, while fish oil supplements daily Vtkhvv symptoms significantly without causing side effects associated with other treatments.The psychiatric specialists at Harvard University, the average personality disorder is a neurological condition or mental deviate the human personality, and is characterized by mood attacks and hostile impulsive, and treatment with drugs currently available gives the results of the medium only and is not fully recovered.Studies have shown that the incidence of mental disorders associated disorders personal, such as major depression and bipolar disorder, are much lower when the people who eat large amounts of fish and seafood, prompting researchers to study the effect of fatty acids beneficial omega-3 in fish on mental illness.The researchers said that eating fish once or twice a month reduces the risk of stroke by nearly half. Fish have unsaturated fatty acids double many links which help the blood flow and help prevent blood clots and blockages caused by most strokes.Said study author Alberto Achereo of the School of Public Health at Harvard University (men who ate fish twice a month or more at least have a chance of stroke by up to half for those of us who do not eat fish).And added Ohirio (Our study did not specify the type of fish. We can only conclude that eating fish in general may help prevent stroke).Another study confirmed that the risk of heart disease fell by 34% in women who ate fish five or more times a week. Studies have shown the benefits of eating fish and seafood on the hearts of men, and their role in the prevention of heart disease and coronary arteries, but the new research confirmed that these benefits apply to women's hearts as well.The scientists at the Mayo Clinic Women's Health, that the reason behind this protective effect lies in the presence of fatty acids of type Omega-3 available in salmon, tuna, sardines, cod, mackerel, which works to reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood and reduce form blood clots and serious help in organizing strikes heart.It is worth mentioning that the French scientists said, that eating fish once a week may help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. Where scientists found after studying the diets of more than 1,600 people from older living in southern France, after a follow-up period of up to seven years that people who ate the most fish meat show fewer signs of dementia.And Pascal Barbreign said Jatiyo from Victor Sajalan University in Bordeaux (older people who ate fish or lakes once at least a week enjoyed less risk of injury).And fish oil rich in amino acids which Barbreign say and colleagues that she may reduce inflammation in the brain. The also have an effect on brain development and re-producing nerve cells. And other medical studies have shown that eating fish regularly may reduce significantly the risk of death due to a heart attack.This has been a previous study indicated that taking fish oil can be treated mental disorders that affect humans, such as depression, dyslexia is increasingly common cases in the Western world in recent years because of the negligence of a good diet.The researcher said Richardson of the University of Oxford in a previous study that knowledge of the relationship of depression of fat in the blood have great interest in finding effective treatment for depression. The fat in question is acids (omega-3) fatty acids found in oily fish such as salmon and mackerel.Found in scientific studies that this type of grease is essential for normal growth and brain cells work and deficiency leads to severe depression. And can reduce these fatty acids due to the consumption of high amounts of alcohol, nicotine and caffeine as well as psychological stress.Other studies have indicated that fish prevent blood clots in the brain, through the good fatty acids, eating fish also reduces blood pressure and thus of cerebral haemorrhage. Studies have shown that eating fish regularly three times a week, can reduce clogs the brain and blood clots at a rate of 48 per cent at least. And the World Health Organization (WHO) noted the need to diets rich in omega.



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