Lemon to eliminate obesity

Expansion of medical scientists, plants and food in Male characteristics and benefits of lemon, and a summary of what they have said that lemon composite of three different parts of benefits and powers, a .. Chaff, sour and sowing. It benefits that tonic for the stomach and the heart. It prescriptions involving lemon:

Recipe to fight obesity:
Soak a few cumin in boiling water with a lemon cut in rings and leaves throughout the night and drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

The recipe for fight puff stomach and intestines:
Soak peel for Amontin or three in half a liter of water, and add to it several drops of fresh lemon juice, and drink in the morning on an empty stomach before breakfast

Lemon and described all people and in all ages, without exception, provided that diluted with water because lemon juice Net hurts sometimes, because the contents of citric acid makes membrane irritant to the digestive tract, and may cause burns in the stomach, and damage tooth enamel.

And eating lemon with lukewarm water in the morning when many benefits including: Flush out toxins from the stomach and liver, and protect the body's cells and strengthen the defense agencies

And must be chosen lemon-colored bright yellow, because the lemon green or yellow pale, which has not yet matured be acidity and high vitamin C a few do, and must choose lemon with crust thin soft that contains juice most prolific of lemon juice thick chaff.

Other benefits of lemon juice that:
Addresses and Lebed poisoning bacteria and activates white blood cells and calms the nerves and strengthens and treats epilepsy and diarrhea, rheumatism, arthritis, and inflammatory bowel rot prostate.



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