Nuts strengthens sexual potency and increase fertility

Nuts Food known since ancient times and that people come to buy in September.And have been scientifically proven to have health benefits and nutritional They reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol and raise the proportion of useful «HDL.It is known that high cholesterol «LDL leads to injury hardening of the artery walls.When high cholesterol useful «HDL and lower LDL cholesterol« LDL be protective of the heart of angina and heart attacks.And also that this also protects the arteries of the brain from injury and
protects it from sclerosis stroke and bleeding.And also protects nuts renal vascular and peripheral also contain nutrients strengthens the immune system and protect cells from damage and fight aging.Almond protects the heart and arteriesBritish study reported that almonds in addition to that it is an important source of vitamins and minerals van has other health benefits because of benign bacteria activated useful for the body.Also lowers LDL cholesterol and contribute to the reduction of heart disease because it contains powerful antioxidants such as vitamin E Tonic fertility and an anti-oxidant.The U.S. researchers found that eating almonds reduces a significant reduction of risk factors for coronary artery disease because of its food components rich in fatty acids monounsaturated, believed to be responsible for the preventive properties and health benefits when ingested in food.It contains almonds, like other nuts on plant fiber that lowers cholesterol and regulate blood sugar level thereby protecting the pancreas from stress as struggling plant fiber constipation and protect against colon cancer and contains almond vitamins «A-ED» Feinst sexual energy and increases the sperm and improve efficiency.Walnut lowers Alchollstruljae in a study published in the Journal of Kelinxal Naotteres «American clinical nutrition nut that impact on reducing harmful cholesterol.They confirmed that a study published in the Journal of the American Nutrition Association.The study added that walnuts reduce the rate of sudden death in patients with diabetes who suffer from injury coronary heart hardening.Nut addresses Asertankhv researchers in the United States for that nuts may represent an important source of cheap chemical active in the drug «Taxol dedicated to cancer treatment may provide the Ministry of Health huge sums of money.Other researchers have reported that the nutrients found in nuts friendly heart and arteries as a source of omega - 3, which prevents blood clotting and reduces the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease.And nuts rich in vitamin «E» antioxidant and strengthens the immune system and delay aging.It contains vitamin B complex, which has great benefits for the nervous system.

Nuts strengthens sexual potency and increase fertilityIt is known that proteins consist of sets accumulated from amino acids and the researchers say the Department of Nutrition at Harvard University that nuts are not good for the heart because of the type unsaturated fats omega - 3 where even the content of the amino acid «arginine - Arginine» a mechanism other to protect the arteries of the heart.The usefulness produce than it produces and gives compound «Alneryk oxide - Nitric oxide» which is the active ingredient that works to expand the arteries narrow and works on softness.This was the scientific truth behind the famous discovery of Viagra when she conducted research on nitric oxide to increase myocardial ischemia.Scientists have discovered that energizes the smooth muscles in the walls of the arteries of the blood vessels of the penis increase blood flow and strong erection occurs.Also enters this amino acid in the installation of the semen means the prostate gland and sperm revives and nourishes and increases movement and ability to maneuver and movement to fertilize an egg.Also, many vitamins found in nuts working to increase the activity of the nervous system nerve cells and nerve terminals.

It is known that the process of citizenship based on nerve signals in the nervous system healthy.



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