Aging ... Definition, causes and methods of control

The right of any person to be happy with his life and that of the main reasons for this happiness is health first and Health II and Health Third, It is human nature male or female to try to appear beautiful form is a beautiful nature and character, but there are people who do not know how to show or maintain this Beauty, science how to deal with aging or at least delay its appearance as much as possible helps to preserve the beauty of
the skin and the shape and works to delay the onset of aging, or even addressed in some cases must therefore enjoy a workout and by the pleasures and enjoy social life and interaction with people The movement and travel from one place to another, which has access to nominally made possible by means of life and progress. The Life is a stage can not be for a person to be immortal so it passes stages of childhood and adulthood, youth and old age, nor can any one of us to stop it or delay it, but work to reverse the aging process and damage the body and its members including gives youth and strength and the evidence is clear which health inequalities great exists between individuals in the age different, which is the result of the way the practice of everyday life, including nutrition, sport and thinking reasonable or thinking fatigued as well as hobbies, hopes and optimism may see two people in the same ages almost but may suggest landscape, one that is greater than the other about 10 years. The ages of organisms algorithms say that age is the age of puberty multiplied by nine If we assume that the age of puberty is age 14 shall be 14x 9 = 126 years, but science and communities have become reluctant in this mathematical equation. The aging process complex overlapping between genetic inheritance and the Pacific, diet and several factors related to stress. Researchers today work hard to discover what is the biological clock in the human body and how to maintain them and delay signs of expiry, which led to the emergence of science fight against aging is the study of theories of genetic and biological, chemical and physiological reasons aging also looking for treatments according to these events also grew Medicine fight against aging is Preventive Medicine, which supports internal systems in the human body in order to achieve better efficiency him. The treatments anti-aging are treatments include dietary supplements, hormones and nutrients help keep the muscle in the human body and to burn fat and strengthen the functioning of the brain and the immune enhancement, but the search for drugs to fight aging did not provide until now answers clear in this matter. Long ago scientists thought that hormones decline due to aging, but now the opposite is true, we extend our age because rate hormones decline, these hormones adjust chemical processes in the body and begin these hormones back down at the age of twenty until the seventies then, the body produces the equivalent of 10 - 15% of the rates that were produced in the past hence the natural hormone replacement therapy as a treatment fights aging. The average age has risen to life nearly half a century ago, the figure was in the fifth decade of life any 45-year rate was hope now is in the seventh decade or 65 yearsThis was thanks to scientific progress in the life practices proper food, sports and therapeutic progress which eliminated many diseases and perhaps mentioned benefit (smallpox and tuberculosis) these diseases almost disappeared mentioned, as well as smoking cessation.

What is aging?
1- Apparently is a change and a lack of proteins the body (collagen) is the most important manifestations of drought and wrinkles that appear in features and graying and balding, short stature, and change the nails, and collagen consists naturally within the human body in bone and functions to maintain the health of cells and joints, skin and strengthen hair and nailsand as we age less collagen production begins this shortfall when they reach the age of five and twenty.
2 - internally get changes arterial Ktsalb and congestion in the heart muscles, angina, heart attack, osteoporosis, low memory, production and sight.

So how aging occurs?
There are several theories circulating among scholars and anti-aging scientists about the mechanism of aging and the most prominent of these theories:Intended this theory that the aging process does not occur because of a limiting factor, but because we grow old and getting older and so are the body's cells for consumption and damage out both because of the large normal use or because of abuse experienced by our cells because of misuse, any can say in other words that aging occurs because beyond the life span of vital activity of cells.One of the most important reasons that lead to cell damage over the years, both due to normal use or due to bad sometimes use the following:Normal activities which compel us to go out and continuing and increasing exposure to sunlight (UV) spoke a kind of consumption for our bodies and lead to damage of skin cells and face, especially because of the increased exposure to radiation.Some foods, especially fats and sugars and drinks that contain caffeine, such as coffee, tea and cola lead with time consumption of the cells.Environment itself lead to the body is exposed to different toxins perish members over the years and especially the liver, kidneys and skin.
2 - the free radical theory The free radical theoryIt is the most widely accepted theory among scientists and research and investigation being about ways to combat these cracks, what are these cracks?Notch free smaller than bacteria, but smaller than the virus, which is a oxygen atom is very active lacking an electron so it is stable and trying to settle down to find this electron, which lacks so to attack any part waving their cells our bodies healthy to take this electron where stabilizes after a this process occur incision free again, and so on.It was found that attacking these free radicals to the body's cells and the occurrence of oxidation process displays these cells to damage which increases the number of damaged cells over the years, leading to a deterioration of the body and an aging means that the act devastating for these cracks is a cumulative and produces too late may not harm you 100 cigarettes first But you have to bear dependency beyond that, and so on.The free radicals are natural products in the body occur as a result of demolition and construction processes and metabolism in the body, and the factors that cause the birth of free radicals as follows:Smoking and car exhaust.Anxiety.A high intake of fat.Exposure to sunlight, especially ultraviolet.Exposure to pesticides and fireworks.Much use of some types of antibiotics and cancer treatment drugs.Arduous exercise where the resulting oxidation of adrenaline and its derivatives and the accumulation of lactic acid which converts relatively weak, such as cracks (super oxide) to stronger such as cracks prong (Alheidroksidi).The inflammatory reaction associated with muscle damage produced such cracks is therefore advisable immediate بالمداواة any muscular or articular damage happens to the athletes and other during training operations or normal daily activity.          The new medical news stating that it is easy to control on the free side, and blocking effect which opens us to control the windows cancer, heart disease, stroke and others, has become almost the anniversary has also become well smallpox, polio, tuberculosis and others.          There are materials that can resist oxidation processes caused by free radicals, and are converting cracks compounds harmless to get rid of them the body, and these substances called antioxidants (Antioxidants) They include some types of vitamins, minerals and natural materials and medicinal plants, including:

Vitamin E
The more researchers that this vitamin of the most antioxidant vitamins and is found in vegetable oils, wheat non peeled nuts almond Kaljos, preferably a daily dose ranging from 100-400 IU.
Vitamin C
This vitamin works to provide prevention of heart disease and increase the efficiency of the immune system, especially resistance to cancer and more present in citrus fruits and leafy greens, taking a daily dose range of 500-1000 mg.
with vitamin E and C as an antioxidant, found in carrots, peppers, whole vegetables dark color which is transformed in the body to vitamin A, taken daily doses ranging from 10-15 mg per day.
Helps chrome to control the level of sugar so benefit diabetics and their children in particular where it activates the effectiveness of insulin in the representation of glucose in the blood, and is found in yeast, liver, potatoes, cheese, red meat and whole grains and brewer's yeast, taken daily dose ranging within 200 micrograms.

Of rare metals that are characterized Bmfolha antioxidant and taken daily dose ranging between 50-200 micrograms, and is one of the important minerals to resist aging, where increases resistance to the immune system and protects against infection from cancer and heart disease, found in whole grains, poultry and fish and nuts and percentages few in fruits and vegetables, as there is in popular dishes bean Kalahmass with onions and garlic.

Lack of this metal osteoporosis, especially among women past menopause, studies have shown that modern part fraction of the calcium contained in vegetables and milk can be absorbed due to lack of presence is promiscuous in these sources where not absorbed more than 10% of it but had not absorbed something it especially sources of milk and full-fat dairy products because calcium with fat are complex compounds can not be absorbed, so it is advisable to take him from the pharmaceutical products available on the market, pharmacies and pharmaceutical dose equivalent to 1000 mg per day.

Zinc activates glands although deficiency causes an increase in vulnerability to diseases that increase the chances of occurrence with weakened immunity, there is largely in the liver, corn, meat, marine, and taking a daily dose ranging between 15-30 mg per day.

Whatever you eat, but the lycopene found resists oxidation is very strong, as studies have shown it may reduce the incidence of prostate cancer.

Citrus fruits
Such as oranges, lemons, grapefruit and other citrus is a good resist free of cracks and advised taking it a fresh.

Green Tea
Characteristic good as oxidation inhibitor, it contains anti-oxidant named catechin Catechen a earned about 40% more than black tea, which has only 10% of the oxidation resistance.

Orange dye in it rich Balbestackaarotin anti-oxidants and stainless cracks free and at the same time must be wary of meat and processed foods, chips and light meals children and food additives manufacturer of flavorings and dyes.It turns out that all of these foods is one of the catalysts free radical formation, they contain preservatives as well as contaminants that gained by means of packaging and activity of anaerobic bacteria.Healthy dietary supplements and natural plants for anti-aging and fight free radicals

Ginseng GensingThe spread of this plant in East Asia, especially in Manchuria, Korea, and China, grows in the dark, humid places and the user medical part of it is rooted scented by at least 6 years old.This plant is considered sexual tonic for both males and females and tonic and tonic for the body and has fame as a reference for young people, also improves physical conditions and muscle strength, which means better use of oxygen and glucose in the muscles.As for his relationship with free radicals and its impact are summarized as follows:Contains antioxidants.Improves the metabolic processes in the body and take advantage of the oxygen and thus deprives free radicals of oxygen, which is used in the oxidation processes.Helps increase the liver's ability to reduce the level of fatty acids and low-density LDL cholesterol and thereby reduces generate free radicals where it is believed that the presence of these substances help to generate free radicals.Works to regulate the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood leading to a resistance generate free radicals and thus resists aging occurs.It is an expensive plant and expensive and I would recommend using it daily doses of at least 500 mg in the morning on an empty stomach, but we must be cautious when purchasing this product as their preferred purchase the product with global brands and major.          Works ginseng in a clear and influential in the direction of resisting an aging according to the concept of the theory, it is positive impacts on the hormonal system and the adrenal gland and depending on this positive effect occurs activated to discharge neurotransmitters Neurotransmitters and that strengthen the immune response and its ability to resist infections and foreign objects.2 - Garlic Garlic plantPerennial plant of platoon Alzenbkiet, is one of the oldest and most famous medicinal plants on earth and the best types Egyptian and Syrian and Cypriot The inscription on the pyramid since 4500, where he was giving to the builders of the pyramids to give them strength and activity.Due to its ability to resist bacteria and infections and viruses that attack the immune physical dubbed penicillin Russian in Russia.It seemed interesting international companies, where it resides in the form of pharmaceutical preparations to easily ingested when needed.It benefits, medical uses, especially for the elderly remember the following:1 - contains vitamins and Hrmonana resemble sex hormones, also contains a volatile oil with sulfur compounds.2 - alarm and antipyretic and intestinal antiseptic and repelling gas and remover of phlegm and coughing3 - strengthens the nerves and sexual ability.4 - killer of bacteria that attack the body.5 - According to the diabetic adult age and reduces the complications of the disease such as poor memory, numbness, and numbness in the extremities.6 - help fight hardening of the arteries which lowers blood pressure and cancer-proofLobes are recommended garlic a day on an empty stomach with into account Crdoha and chew thoroughly before swallowing or equivalent to that of pharmaceuticals (almost 3 pills)3 - ginkgo leaf GenkaBeautiful tree and imposing a symbol of survival and stubbornness as it only tree that resisted bomb Harushima and remained steadfast, one of the oldest trees that are still alive on earth thanks to their advantages therapeutic become medicines containing ginkgo is most widely used in Europe after the preparations of ginseng and garlic.With aging can level blood destined for the brain to diminish which leads to a lack of supply of oxygen to the brain cells and studies confirm modern medical The plant ginkgo increases significantly the proportion of blood that reaches the brain and can facilitate healing after an injury accident cerebrovascular.According to a study published in the Journal of Urology that can ginkgo reduce symptoms disability resulting from narrowing of the arteries that carry blood to the penis has received 60 people injured problems citizenship due to lack of blood flow to the penis 60 mg of ginkgo daily and the result was healing 50% of them.3 - immune theory The immune system theoryExplain this theory of aging building as arising due to a gradual weakness in the immune system as a result of aging and therefore the body becomes unable to fight off infection and disease and possibly cancer.As cells become themselves unable to function efficiently and confirms the owners of this theory on the health of their assumptions on the basis that it is noticeable when aging a decrease of antibodies the body, increases susceptibility to autoimmune diseases (ie diseases that arise from attacking the immune system itself and not its ability to distinguish between the body's own cells and between UFOs), and researchers believe that this weakness, which affects the immune system the most important of his causes of weakness in your hormones and the nervous system.4 - the theory of genes The genetic control theoryAs this theory Vtvsr of aging on the basis of what is recorded genes within the cells of each of us, in the sense that it is written or recorded within the DNA of the cells of each of us we would live for a certain period, and we grow old and die and therefore the aging process occur based on this design genetic located DNA occur, of course, is different between us humans.* Adviser healthy food and healing plants


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